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A bit of fun for the children. Milk chocolate novelties in various designs and available in small gift bags or bulk cases should you be organising some fun and economical party bags.

Chocolate Dragon

Chocolate Shark

Chocolate Frogs

Chocolate Nail Polishes

Chocolate Crabs

Chocolate Cats

Chocolate Tigers

Chocolate multi-coloured ladybirds

Chocolate F1 Racing Cars

Chocolate Lipsticks
Net of sterling chocolate coins (Gold) 25g
Chocolate sports cars

Chocolate game controller

Cluizel, Pate a Tartiner chocolate spread

Chocolate Smartphone / iphone

Chocolate ladybirds

Chocolate racing cars

Chocolate mice

Chocolate footballers
Chocolate fish
Chocolate butterflies

Chocolate bees

Chocolate aeroplanes

Cluizel, Tin of milk chocolate sardines

Cluizel, Net of milk chocolate sardines